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Quality lighting is an important aspect of our daily life, and is often taken for granted. Light control is the ability to regulate the level and quality of light in a given space for specific tasks or situations. Controlling light properly not only enhances the experience, it helps to save energy by using light when and where it is needed most.

In the average home, most light controls are a simple on/off switch, rather than a dimmer. This means that whether it's the middle of the day or it's nighttime, your fixtures are putting out the exact same amount of light. In fact, light switches are one of the few appliances that only have two settings – on and off. Through dimming, users can control the quantity of light their fixtures provide to fit specific tasks, moods, or situations. This not only improves the experience, but also saves wasted energy in the process.

Room solution lighting products support applications utilizing conventional wiring topologies with in wall dimmers and switches installed as part of a hybrid system or for decentralized local control. These devices are designed to replace any standard in wall dimmer or switch and will functional stand-alone, providing simple control of lighting in the event of a network loss.

Our lighting control and motorized shading solutions deliver precise, super-quiet one-touch control of electric and natural light. They can also be combined with our advanced entertainment, climate, and security controls, so you can control everything in your home anytime, anywhere, from elegant touch screens or your favorite smart devices.

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